With the discovery of bots, I’ve hated to level on my own (for the most part) as much as I hate farming. Here are some safe places to bot until level 105, then you’ll have the option of grinding it out slowly or mob leveling manually. If you have other leveling spots or suggestions that could be added to this, please do so by using the contact form.
I see way too much AFK Bots in R6, when I play at night at least every 3 rounds there is one in my team. It destroys the whole Game, one guy is even named Removed, I know him since round about 3 months and see him often when I play, I report him every time for cheating, and he still isn't banned and AFK botting. R/AssassinRBX: The official subreddit of Assassin on Roblox! Press J to jump to the feed. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts.
Use lockmap so that if your bot is dead, it knows to sit in town (regenerate HP) and then walks back to the map. Do not set X,Y coordinates. Only change the map you want your bot to be on, and your save map.
lockMap yuno_fild08
route_escape_reachedNoPortal 1
route_escape_randomWalk 1
route_avoidWalls 1
route_randomWalk 1
route_randomWalk_inTown 0
route_randomWalk_maxRouteTime 75
route_maxNpcTries 5
route_teleport 0
route_teleport_minDistance 150
route_teleport_maxTries 8
route_step 15
runFromTarget 0
runFromTarget_dist 6
saveMap aldebaran
saveMap_warpToBuyOrSell 1
Make sure you set your pickupitems.txt so that you don’t become overweight with garbage while you leave your bot leveling when you’re AFK.
Example – I only list the items I want to pick up. All is at 0. Use ratemyserver as a reference for drops.
All 0 Format flash disk for mac and windows.

Gold 2
Remember to set your bot to use skills! You have all that SP, who cares if your bot uses it all as soon as it has some. It gets the kills faster.
Example: (use Ctrl + F : useSelf_skill or attackSkillSlot to know exactly where to put the skills)
useSelf_skill Enchant Poison {
lvl 10
sp > 20
whenStatusInactive Enchant Poison
inLockOnly 1
notWhileSitting 1
notInTown 1
timeout 165
useSelf_skill Poison React {
whenStatusInactive Poison React
inLockOnly 1
notWhileSitting 1
notInTown 1
attackSkillSlot Bowling Bash {
lvl 10
sp > 40%
maxUses 1
A quick tip on how to get additional money: Get a Myst Case card and put it in any upper head gear without a level requirement. You get a chance to get gift boxes which can be sold or used to obtain random items that can be sold. Get a mimic card and slot it on a belt or a clip for a chance to get Old Blue Box.
For all my bots, I have done the Eden equipment quests for free leveling equipment. Do them at the intervals listed below.
These are all areas good for iRO (valkyrie) and have been used there. I am not sure whether or not they’re the same or as effective in other servers. Used in 2013 and has good results. Download viber for mac os x 10 7 5.
- Training grounds. Stay there until 16 or 20 if you really want to especially right before you sleep or go out.
- E.Prontera. If you’re a trans reborn novice, then you can’t access the training grounds anymore. Go to the map east of Prontera. There’s a Kafra right next to the entrance so if you die, you respawn right there. I prefer not using the map south of Prontera because a lot of people dead branch there.
- Alberta -> West -> South. This is the Boa, Spore, Wormtail map. The spawn rate of monsters are fast, there are no aggressive monsters, and it’s not far from town. They also all drop Strawberry, Blue Herb, & Stem which could be sold for a good amount.
- Iz_dun01. This is the Vadon, Hydra, Kukre, Marina, Plankton, Cornutus map. Great fast exp, no aggressive monsters. Loot is mostly cards which can be sold for a decent amount. If you’re an acolyte, you may choose to pick up blue gemstones as well.
50 – Until job change:
(job level 50/60/70 depending on your server)
- Iz_dun02. This is the Obeaune & Marse map. Obeaune are aggressive but by this point in game, you should be able to kill them easily. I chose this map because it saves you the travel from Izlude to anywhere else. Loots include cards, Fin Helm, grapes.
Job changed – 60 – 75:
- Stay at Iz_dun02 to save the travel.
- Go to Morocc -> South -> West -> West (May be different in different server). Golem and Metaller map. No good loots here but it’s easy to level. Golems are super duper slow and nothing is aggressive here.
- Yuno_fild08. Geographer, Grand Peco, & Goat map. This is the fastest way to 99 IMO. Nothing is aggressive here aside from the Geographers which you should be able to kill. Loots include gold, cards, maneater blossom, mastela fruit, blue herb. At lower levels, you may die once in a while, so make sure to set your lockmap!
- Geffen -> North -> East -> East. This is the Earth Petite map. Everything is aggressive here and it’s a bit slower than the Grand Peco map IMO. Loot includes cards and white herb.
- Map outside of Thors Dungeon near Veins. Magmaring map. There will be Muscipular, Drosera, & Magmarings. Nothing here is aggressive aside from the plants who can’t move. No good drops here aside from cards.
Beyond 105 – There won’t be much safe areas to train anymore unless you find some place. Let me know. You could choose to grind it out at the Magmarings map but it’s very slow. If you have VIP package, you may level much faster.
Afk Holdout exp/rewards/achievements farming step by step.
Start Holdout with bots.Start holdout offline with ai: on or online with ai: on, drop in: prompt
Im using: Thanatos .50 cal sniper rifle
press “z/y” on the bots to stay in place near the hostage
Afk Bot Assassin
Every map: AFK location.
1. Boat Load (better with 1 bot close to you)
2. First World Bank
3. Golden Grin Casino (better with 1 bot close to you)
4. Heat Street
5. Mallcrasher
6. San Martín Bank
Download viber for mac os x 10 8 5.
Roblox Assassin Afk Bot
7. The Alesso Heist
8. The Big Bank
9. The Diamond
Afk Bot Assassin
After 30 mins go back and claim your rewards!