Lineage II

  1. The world of Lineage II is a war-torn land spanning two continents, where trust and betrayal clash as three kingdoms vie for power. These kingdoms share a delicate balance of power; however, within each kingdom they are vulnerable to internal strife, as each manor has a strong desire for self-rule.
  2. Lineage II is a massive multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) for Microsoft Windows and the second game in the Lineage series. It is a prequel to Lineage and is set 150 years before the firstgame.

Lineage II is a massive multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) for Microsoft Windows and the second game in the Lineage series. It is a prequel to Lineage and is set 150 years before the firstgame. It has become popular since its October 1, 2003 launch in South Korea, reporting 1,000,918 unique users during the month of March. Lineage II is a fantasy MMORPG developed and published by NCSoft. A prequel to the original Lineage, Lineage II sets players in a land at war between three kingdoms, creating a strong emphasis on PvP.

Frozen Kingdom’s Chronicles

Freedom of Choice

Easy Leveling-up

Dimensional Battles

More Races and Classes

Lineage ii gameplay

Regular Updates

Leveling up speed

Leveling up complexity

Sociality in PvE

Sociality in PvP

Battle in the Frost Lord’s Castle

Cold weather and hot battles await everyone who sets foot in the new dimensional location.
The gates of the frozen castle are open every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday from 6 p.m. to 12 p.m. (server time).
The more organized your clan is, the better are your chances of defeating Frost Lord Glakias and his minions.

New Bosses

Powerful Weapons

Defeat all bosses and collect 13 types of frozen weapons with unique abilities:
Furious Frost decreases your enemy’s attack and casting speed; Absolute Zero freezes the target immobilizing them;
Stay Frozen prevents your opponent from using teleport.

Frost Lord’s

Lineage Ii Aden

P. Atk.: 276
M. Atk.: 151
Description: STR and CON bonus
Active skill: Furious Frost

Frost Lord’s

P. Atk.: 276
M. Atk.: 151
Description: STR and CON bonus
Active skill: Furious Frost

New Lineage Ii By Noritake

Frost Lord’s

P. Atk.: 242
M. Atk.: 151
Description: STR and DEX bonus
Active skill: Furious Frost

Frost Lord’s

P. Atk.: 263
M. Atk.: 182
Description: STR and MEN bonus
Active skill: Furious Frost

Frost Lord’s
Two-handed Sword

P. Atk.: 336
M. Atk.: 151
Description: STR and DEX bonus
Active skill: Absolute Zero

Frost Lord’s
Blade Fists

P. Atk.: 336
M. Atk.: 151
Description: STR and DEX bonus
Active skill: Absolute Zero

Frost Lord’s

P. Atk.: 276
M. Atk.: 151
Description: STR and CON bonus
Active skill: Absolute Zero

Frost Lord’s
Ancient Sword

P. Atk.: 305
M. Atk.: 151
Description: STR and DEX bonus
Active skill: Absolute Zero

Frost Lord’s
Dual Swords

P. Atk.: 336
M. Atk.: 151
Description: STR and DEX bonus
Active skill: Absolute Zero

Frost Lord’s
Magic Blunt Weapon

P. Atk.: 222
M. Atk.: 201
Description: INT and WIT bonus
Active skill: Stay Frozen

Frost Lord’s

P. Atk.: 270
M. Atk.: 221
Description: INT and MEN bonus
Active skill: Stay Frozen

Frost Lord’s

Lineage ii trial

P. Atk.: 627
M. Atk.: 166
Description: STR and DEX bonus
Active skill: Stay Frozen

Frost Lord’s

P. Atk.: 627
M. Atk.: 166
Description: STR and DEX bonus
Active skill: Stay Frozen


Cardinals have learnt to equalize their party members’ health and recover it for their clan. Eva’s Saints are able to protect against debuffs, while Shillien Saints can now decrease their opponents’ attacking and healing power.


Fortune Seekers can now get additional rewards from bosses, which makes them welcome in any raid. Maestros are able to create true mechanical masterpieces for more effective combat.

Learn more about Lineage 2 Essence

Start playing right now!

Welcome to the Lineager II Forums, we’re very pleased to have you here!
We want to make these forums a positive environment for you to discuss Lineage II related topics, and to give us your feedback on the game.

To facilitate this, we ask that all members of the forums follow a set of guidelines known as the NCSOFT Forum Code of Conduct; or CoC for short.
Please remember that your fellow players and forum users should always be treated with respect, without exception. If you take anything away from reading the CoC, it should be this.
The best way for us to improve the experience for everyone on the forums, and in the game, is for us all to be able to reach mutual understanding. That doesn’t mean we’ll always agree, and it doesn’t mean we’ll always achieve a compromise, but it does mean that we have a better chance of understanding what everyone wants from the game and why.
We won’t always agree with each other, and that’s okay!
Respecting your fellow forum users.
Discrimination and Slurs based on Race, Ethnicity, Sexuality, Gender or Gender Identity
We want the Lineage II forums to be a welcoming place for everyone, this means that discriminatory slurs both clear and masked in words or images are not appropriate, ever.
Members of our forums should feel safe to express their thoughts and opinions about the game, and to do so without fear or intimidation. To this end, any threat of physical harm toward another forum user will not be tolerated.
Harassing or Defamatory Content
For the same reason, harassing, bullying or defamatory content will also not be tolerated. Throwing around insults or targeting individuals or groups with malice has a negative effect on everyone’s experience in the forums.
Harassment takes many forms, if we believe that there is an intent to bully other forum users or make them feel uncomfortable in this environment, action will be taken.

Obscene / Vulgar or Inappropriate Language and/or Images

Some people are comfortable with all kinds of colorful language and images, others are not. We ask that our forum members remember to treat each other with courtesy and respect, and remember we do not all have the same expectations when it comes to what is acceptable. Remember that if you can’t make your point without using vulgar language, you probably don’t have a point at all.
Politics, Religion, and Sexual Content
Politics, religion and sex can be fascinating subjects to discuss and debate, and as such there are many places online where people engage with these topics.
The NCSOFT forums are not one of those places, if you want to talk about these topics we recommend you find a more appropriate venue.
Non-Constructive Posts: Spamming, Trolling, or Topic Bumping
These forums are an excellent tool for us to collect feedback and keep up with issues that are important to the community. Being intentionally disruptive, derailing threads, creating threads meant to act as ‘votes’ or petitions instead of discussion points and creating posts or threads intended to cause unrest in the forums are not behaviors conducive to this goal.

This includes, but is not limited to, bumping threads (except for guild recruitment), discussions that deviate from Lineage II, and posting memetic images or phrases that add nothing to the discussion.
Respecting the forum environment.

Community Managers & other NCSOFT Staff
The most frequent staff members you will see posting on the forums are the community managers and moderators. We enforce the CoC and respond to threads and posts, whether it is to address an issue or simply having fun.

If you don’t see us responding, it isn’t because we are ignoring you. Sometimes we don’t have a good answer, or we are looking for an answer or we cannot comment on the issue at the time.

We also have other work we have to do that isn’t on the forums so if you don’t see us around, we are working on something else for you!
Impersonating an NCSOFT Employee
Working for NCSOFT is cool. Passing yourself off as an NCSOFT employee is not. If you want to work for NCSOFT, you can apply here.
Using the words 'NCSOFT', 'NCWest', 'GM', or any community team members' names in a thread topic
We understand that everyone would like NCSOFT to read and acknowledge his or her post; however, use of such words in the subject line does not help the threads visibility. Please make your thread title relevant to the post subject. Threads violating this guideline are subject to be closed or deleted.
Posting in all capital letters, use a misleading title, excessive punctuation, and/or non-standard symbols, etc.
We ask you to refrain from using these types of tactics in order to bring more people to your thread. Making your thread title relevant to the post subject makes collecting your feedback easier for the community team. Threads violating this guideline are subject to be closed or deleted.
Circumventing a Suspension / Ban
To maintain the environment of the forums, it’s absolutely necessary that the moderators can do their jobs effectively. To facilitate this, any discussion of disciplinary action or moderation is not allowed, and circumventing suspensions by posting on another account or having another user post on your behalf is also not allowed. This includes posting any chat logs or email correspondence between a player and a Game Master (GM), moderator, administrator, or any member of NCSOFT staff.

In addition, abusing the report feature makes it more difficult for moderators to maintain the environment of the forums and as such will result in disciplinary action.
Creating Duplicate Threads
Forums can be a great platform for open discussions, and we want all the people interested in a topic to be able to engage with it in a meaningful way. One way to facilitate this is to use the search feature before creating a new thread. You can imagine what would happen to the forums if everyone created their own thread for every popular topic.


If all comments about a particular issue are in one place, it makes it much easier for us to collate and act on any feedback. Creating multiple threads on the same topic does not make it more likely that your post will be seen, it does make it more likely you will irritate and confuse your fellow forum users. If a user creates multiple threads with the intention of drawing attention away from other threads, disciplinary action will be taken.
This general rule also applies to abuse of formatting options, or any other manner of attempt to artificially draw attention to any post.
Be Smart

Distribution of Real-Life Personal Information
These forums are a place for the discussion of Lineage II, not real life. As such the release or distribution of any real-life information is not allowed, even your own.
Discussing Disciplinary Actions
The Lineage II forums is not the place to discuss disciplinary actions taken on an account, including your own. Please refrain from creating posts or threads to discuss disciplinary actions taken against a character or account on the forums, including email correspondence between a player and a Game Master (GM).
If you are having trouble accessing your account, please contact Customer Support and they will be able to provide assistance with restoring access to the account.
When we all play by the rules, we all win. This is especially true of games that can be competitive, like Lineage II. We do not tolerate cheaters in the game, and we do not tolerate posting links to cheats or any other malicious programs on the forums. This includes in game exploits that affect the integrity of the game experience.
We encourage players to report cheating and exploiting to the Customer Support team when they see it, to help us improve the experience for the overwhelmingly vast majority of honest players.
Real Money Trading, Account Sharing and Selling
We can’t allow real money trading or advertising for account sharing on the forums. Selling anything for real money, be it digital items, services or physical products is not allowed.

Illegal Activities

The NCSOFT Forums are not a place for discussing illegal activity, and you may not violate any local, state, national or international laws or regulations. We recommend you don’t violate these laws anywhere at all, ever.
This forum is not to be used for advertising non beneficial, non-Lineage II related businesses, organizations, or websites.
Thank you for your time
Thank you for taking the time to read the CoC! This forum should always be treated as an environment where everyone can feel comfortable. This CoC is intended to be a set of guidelines that help create and maintain that environment, not a definitive list of every eventuality we may need to take action on.
If you’re unsure how these guidelines affect you, please email any questions to L2community[at]
Small print
Any in-game suspension or ban will be duplicated in the forums. NCSOFT reserves the right to suspend your access to these forums at any time for reasons that include, but are not limited to, your failure to abide by this Code of Conduct.

Lineage Ii Quest

NCSOFT and its Community Team also reserves the right to evaluate each incident on a case by case basis, and have full discretion when addressing any behavior that they determine is inappropriate. Any finalized decision may be based on the offending posters full history on the Lineage II forums. Should you wish to discuss any disciplinary measures against your account, you can email L2community[at]