21 Day Fix: Flat Abs Fix / Barre Legs Nothing is hotter than a six pack, except one surrounded by chiseled obliques and a strong inner core. If you want flat abs, you'll be glad you did this workout. Based on ballet movements, Barre Legs will help create sexy glutes, thighs, calves, and abs. 21 Day Fix Plyo Fix 6 rounds. BONUS Flat Abs Fix: Help burn off the fat and get tight, flat abs with this 30-minute workout that helps you tone your core and lose the muffin top. BONUS Barre Legs: Tone your lower body fast with this 30-minute workout designed to sculpt and define your hips, thighs, and glutes.
Today's Workout: Barre Legs
Autumn's Inspirational Quote of the Day: 'You may not be there yet, but you're closer than you were yesterday'
Equipment: mat (optional), chair (for balance, optional)
Total Workout Time: 29:51
Set up: each move is performed for 20 reps, then 20 pulses, then a 30 second hold (that sounds like a walk in the park...you'll be lucky to be walking at all tomorrow)
Warm-up (just over 3 minutes): jog, jumping jacks, windmills (arm circles front and back), over the tops (side lunge and reach overhead to the side right and left), alternating toe taps (legs straight, touch opposite toe); repeat.
1. Sumo Squat: legs wide apart, toes turned out
2. Squat
3. Leg Lifts-R: standing tall, lift your leg out as high as you can and then do 20 reps. And then pulse for 20 reps. And then hold it there. Mm hmm.
4. Leg Lifts-L: same as before, other leg.
5. Lunge-R: step forward with right leg into lunge position.
6. Lunge-L: same as before, with left leg front
7. Attitude-R: standing tall, bring your right leg behind you, and pulse it back towards the wall. Make sure your hips are pressed forward but keep your chest up tall and don't lean forward.
8. Attitude-L: repeat with left leg back
9. Heel Press-R: down on the mat, on elbows and knees, lift right knee and press the heel towards the back wall. Bring the knee back into the chest and don't set it down.
10. Heel Press-L: repeat on left leg.
11. Calf Raise: standing tall, turn your toes out with heels touching, come up on your toes and contract calves
12. Side Leg Lift-L: in a side plank position, with one knee down and the other leg out straight, come down onto your elbow. Now, lift your top leg up as high as you can while staying in alignment.
13. Side Leg Lift-R: repeat on the other side and then crumple to the floor in a heap of sweat and tears
Cooldown: just over 3 and a half minutes
Personal Opinions and Difficulty: Oh, my good grief! If you can get through this workout, you are one tough cookie! You will be shaking, sweating, probably swearing...but it will be worth it. I think this is quite possibly the best strength workout in the entire program. WHAT?! Yes, I said it! You will definitely feel this the next day and know that you got an incredible leg workout! I sub this for Lower Fix in the regular rotation.
Difficulty: 5/5 Yowzer! That hold will get you. Every. Single. Time.
Enjoyment: 4/5 I have to kick this down a point on the enjoyment scale because it is so tough. I haven't quite gotten to the point with this workout where I want to love to hate it yet.

Flat Abs Fix is the targeted AB workout. This workout does not contain a warm up or cool down. After a brief introduction, Autumn jumps right in. You are working the abs from all angles - standing, prone, supine, lying side and seated.
There are twelve exercises. Autumn does two exercises and then she repeats them before moving on to the next two. In several of the exercises, you start the exercise on one side working for 30 seconds before switching to the other side for the last 30 seconds. The rest are between 16 and 27 seconds so the rest vary. The equipment used is a single dumbbell and a mat.
Barre Legs is the second targeted workouts. This workout uses the same warm up as many of the other 21 Day Fix workout. This workout uses your own body weight to get the work done.
There are 13 exercises. All the exercises follow the same pattern. You do 20 reps, followed by 20 pulses and then you hold the position for 30 seconds. The 30 second holds were tough.
Autumn is encouraging and stern throughout. She starts each exercise and then gets up to coach the class participants.
This DVD has the music on and off option. Each DVD is well chapter meaning you can skip forward or backwards to an exercise very easily.
These workouts also feature the subtitle bar that tells you what exercise you are doing as well as how much time or how many reps you have left.
These are my last two workouts of this series. Overall the workouts have been good. Autumn grew on me.
Flat Ab Fix -