The best place to get cheats, codes, cheat codes, hints, tips, tricks, and secrets for the Game Boy Advance (GBA). Dragon Ball Z: The Legacy Of Goku 2. Dragon Ball Z: Legacy of Goku II - Namek #5 Take a trip to the lovely Tropical Islands for this missing Namek. To find him, head to the L35 Vegeta gate but don’t go through it.
- Dragon Ball Z Legacy Of Goku Oyna 2017. First episode of a trilogy of adventure games, The Legacy of Goku starts at the very beginning of the Dragon Ball Z series. While Goku visits childhood friends, the cruel Raditz appears and reminds him that he was sent to Earth to destroy the human race.
- Dragon Ball Z The Legacy Of Goku Ii Cheat Codes. Unlimited Ki and Health. Fight an opponent that can shoot Ki Blasts. like raditz when he shoots a Ki blast at you press the right trigger button to fly stay there and get hit you'll stop flying but the glowing status will remain,you'll be invincible.
Our story begins with Goku going to Master Roshi's island to meet up with some of his old friends. When you take control of Goku, go ahead and talk to everyone. It seems Master Roshi has lost his Swimsuit magazines. There are three in all. There should be one on right side of the island, one on the northwest part of the island, and one is inside. Now go take all of them back to Master Roshi. He'll give you two senzu beans, a herb, and 350 exp. Just enough to level Goku up.
After that, the evil Saiyan Raditz shows up. After telling Goku about his heritage and about how he was supposed to kill all the humans on the planet. Raditz offers him another chance, but Goku refuses. Raditz then decides that Gohan might be of better use. Then all of a sudden Piccolo shows up. Piccolo and Goku make a truce and decide that they should team up to defeat Raditz. After this Goku summons Nimbus and flies away.
Now you're at Goku's house. Since you can't go inside, go around back and talk to Chi-Chi. If you don't see her, she's probably behind a tree. Time for you to level up. This shouldn't take too long. The Snakes and Squirrels can be dealt with a single Ki Blast. The Giant Crabs will take a few, until you reach levels 3-4. The wolf is a different story. Don't worry though, they get easier and easier. If you get low on health while levelling up, just save your game, turn of the GBA, turn it back on, load your saved game, and you'll be as good as new. Don't forget to collect the herbs, flight charges, and senzu beans in the area. Keep in mind that some items might be hidden in tall grass. Throw some Ki Blasts at the tall grass to see if there is anything hidden beneath it. After you reach level 6 head North West and go out into the Forest.
Just to the north of your location you will notice a Pterodactyl beside its nest. When you talk to it, it'll simply cry. This Pterodactyl's egg has been stolen. Let's go find it for her. Climb down the stairs and turn left. When the path splits go up the stairs and continue left. Kill off the wolves in this area. Continue left and go up the second stairway.
Kill off the wolf and the 2 snakes, and continue your path left. You'll see two paths going up. Both go the same way, so go if you're getting there fast, take the first path. After taking one of the two paths, go right and you'll eventually meet Tien and Chaozu (I'm not calling him Chiaotzu). Talk to both of them and you'll get 500 exp. from each. Thats 1000 exp. free! Take the offer! After that, continue your path right. You'll eventually come to a waterfall. You'll have to fly to the other side. Don't worry about your flight charge. There's a green one to the right. Go on up the steps to find a Pterodactyl...and an egg!!!
On your way back to the other Pterodactyl, take the path that goes up around where Tien and Chaozu are. Take care of the stone and weed with a Ki blast, and collect the rock (you'll need it). Now go and return the egg. For that you get 350 exp. Can quests get any easier? Anyway, if you're low on health, just use the easy recovery cheat. Or if you wanna use a herb(s) or senzu bean go right ahead. Now let's go back to where the wolves are. Instead of climbing the stairs, go down (below the tree), and you should notice a tent. Go back to where the Pterodactyl nest is. You should have noticed a stone to the left of the nest. All you have to do is follow the path through the trees. One more stone. This stone isn't too far away. Go left and into the trees and you'll discover the last stone. Now go back to the tent, and you'll notice that an old man has gotten stuck! Just hit A and put the stones in their proper place. For this Quest, you get herbs, 350 exp, and a Speed Increase.
Time to keep moving. Let's go south from the tent and the old man. See that big Dinosaur? Kill it and you'll get a nice 600 exp. You can try and kill it, or run away. For those of you who wanna fight him, throw Ki Blasts at him and lure him to right. Fly over the river to safety and throw some more Ki Blasts at him! Talk about an easy level up! When you're done with this, exit the screen to the left, where you first found the Dinosaur.
Now we're in a village! Collect the flight charge if needed (you should notice it as soon as you come on screen). After this go north, up the stairs, kill the wolf, and into the house. Talk to the old man inside. You must now 'Quiet the forest'. Let's go south for now. Keep going south until you see a little boy. Talk to him, then go inside. Talk the people in here to find out that their daughter, Sue, is missing. First off, go all the way to the left side of the map following the brown path. Go up the left most stairs. Follow them up to Yamcha and Puar. You get 1000 exp. (AGAIN!) for talking to them, just like with Tien and Chaozu. Follow the path to the small pond. Go northwest and you'll see a little girl. She just happens to be Sue! Take her back to her house. For this you'll get 500 exp. Go and talk to the kid (Cory) that's outside of Sue's house. He mumbles something about getting her something. Go back to where you found Sue, only this time go to the path she was below. Be careful of that flying Pterodactyl! You should be able to kill it by throwing some Ki Blasts at it. It looks like Goku can fly up to a lil meadow and get some flowers! Get all of them, and take them back to Cory. You get 400 exp. for this. He'll give them to Sue later.
We're not done yet. Let's go to the left. You'll notice a kid standing by a small pond. Seems like he's lost his toy boat. Let's fly over and back and give it to the little tike. You receive 200 exp. for this. There's just one more thing to do! Hang in there! Now we just need to rescue a cat. Go toward the old man's house. Go left after you reach the stairs and fly over to the next cliff. Follow the path up, destroy the stones, and rescue the kitty! It turns out the cat's name is Neko. Let's take him back to the Old Man. Talk to him twice. Make your way toward the skull. Before you go the Old Man tells you to come back. Do so and he will teach you Solar Flare. You can change your Ki attacks by pressing the L button. Before you go fight Raditz, you better be level 8 or higher. If you're not, go kill that Dinosuar a few times until you are. When you're ready, exit through the skull.
Now we are at Raditz's crash site. Time for your first boss fight!
After that nice little scene, Goku ends up in Other World. Wait a second...where's Goku's halo? He's dead! Oh well. We can all blame that on Infogrames. Anyway, talk to King Yemma and Kami, and exit to the right. Time to make your way to King Kai's on Snake Way. Be careful around the edges, they can do a little bit of damage. You can also fly from one spot to another. There aren't too many flight charges so I wouldn't recommend this. Just follow the path until you meet a blue woman. This just happens to be Princess Snake. You can either talk to her and fight, or walk right by her and pass up 3500 exp! You better take the chance and defeat her. She may seem stronger than you at first, but Solar Flare and a good sucker punch can change that. Three of these will get rid of her. Keep on going and eventually Goku will lose his balance (for no reason).
Now we're in HFIL (I'll refer to it as HELL, its original name). You'll start to see some wandering spirits that you can kill. Do so for 1000 exp. from each! If you feel the urge to level up here go right ahead, and remember to use the easy recovery trick. Anyway, head down from the starting point, until the path splits. When it does, take the right path and continue downward. You'll eventually come to the HELL Fitness Center. Keep in mind where the building is and go to left of it. Talk to the guy on the far left. Seems that he has lost some spirits. Three to be exact. Remember that you can only carry one spirit at a time. Let's go back to that first path split, and go left. The road splits again. Go up until you reach a dead end. Fly on up to the upper level. Go get the spirit up here and take him back to the HELL attendent. Time to get the second one. I'll tell you the location of the next two, but I'll let you decide how to get there. I know it doesn't seem right, but you'll feel a lot better knowing that you did something without any help, won't ya? Spirit #2 can be found by hopping onto the path in the lower-right corner of the map (next to the red demon); track this path along the east, then turn north and follow it until you find the next Spirit. The last lil' bugger is in the upper-right corner of the map, and requires a bit of walking to find him - just work your way up there and look for the motionless cloud. Now, go back to your starting point and head right. Talk to the red demon (if you haven't already). You've probably noticed a blue demon by a tree while gathering all those spirits. Find a way to get up there. I know I'm supposed to tell you how, but would that make you feel any better? When you make it to the tree, eat the fruit, watch the small scene, and get out of HELL.
Now you're back at the beginning of Snake Way. All you have to do is follow Snake Way to then end, just like last time, only now you can fly from one spot to another thanks to all of the flight charges that are spread around. Once you get to the end, go back to the left a little bit and fly on over to King Kai's planet!
Not much to do here. Just head up and talk to King Kai (the blue guy in black clothes). After that it's time to catch Bubbles. All you have to do is get up to him and hit A. Easier said then done. All I can tell you to do is to fly to catch up with him. After you finally do, you get to hit Gregory with a hammer! Try doing the same thing you did with Bubbles. After all that, King Kai teaches you the Kamehameha (they've really screwed up this game). Seems that your friends have wished you back.
Goku's Return
After watching that nice little cinema you end up at the Earth's Look Out. Go up and talk to Kami, then Mr. Popo. After that, go left and up, and you'll find Korin. Talk to him and you'll get a senzu bean! Now go down and to left, all the way back to Earth. Defeat all monsters in this area, and get the kid that's on the ledge. If you wanna fight for a while to try and level up go ahead. That Dino just happens to give away 4000 exp!!! After that, exit south. Now we're in the city! Take that little kid to his house. Just keep going south. It's the first house on the right. The woman inside the house will give you a capsule. Now go back north and go into the house that was on your left when you entered this area. Let's go south again. You'll notice that some police are at the bank. Talk to them to find out that it has been robbed. The robbers are the guys in black with the red bandanas (as if you didn't know). These guys might seem a little hard at first, but it's nothing to worry about. Simply use the sucker punch strategy to bring them down! You may have to do this a few times to each, but you get 2000 exp from each! After that, go talk to the police and exit south. You'll end up at a military base. Keep walking until King Kai talks to you. Nothing else to do here. Keep going left and you'll eventually arrive at the battlegrounds.
Dragon Ball Z Legacy Of Goku 2 Walkthrough Walls Code
Now that we're here go left and up. You'll find Krillin and Gohan! Talk to both of them to discover that the Saiyans killed everyone except for them! Go up and talk to Vegeta if you want. Then talk to Nappa to get things going.
Nappa is no pushover. Use the same tactics as you did with Raditz and stay out in the open! Goku can easily get caught in those poles around where Krillin and Gohan are. You can either use the sucker punch or Cheap Kamehameha tactics. Use whichever you like and stay away from Nappa. A few hit from him and you're gone! You receive 20000 exp for this battle!
After that battle you better save your game and get ready for Vegeta. He's faster and a lot stronger than Nappa. Don't bother using any healing items just yet. Since you saved you might as well turn off your GBA and turn it back on, so you have all of your health back. When you're ready, prepare for Vegeta.
Again use the same tactics that you used above, and when you see Vegeta charge up a Ki Blast, either get out of the way or get right beside him and power up a Kamehameha. You could use basic hit and run tactics, but that's no fun. Remember to stay out in the open. After doing this a few times, Vegeta will speak. Afterwards continue you your battle strategy until you've defeated him.
After that long battle Vegeta decides to go Oozaru (the giant ape form), and beats Goku down. Then out of no where Yajirobee cuts off Vegeta's tail, turning him back into a normal Saiyan. Then Gohan transforms, and he beats Vegeta down! The gang heads to Namek, while Goku gets some rest. Eventually, Goku lands on Namek.
Now that Goku's on Namek, you should level up. We're going to be doing some major leveling up now! You should be about level 11 or 12 by now. Guess what level we're going to...20! It might sound difficult but you'll appreciate it. Go up from your starting point and over to the far left. Stop when you see the tree. This is a Namekian Sapling. Don't pick it up just yet! Instead throw Ki Blasts at the henchman until he's gone. After that go into a house and walk back out. The guy will be there again! While doing this don't go past the tree. You might get killed. You get 10000 exp. from them! So simply do this a while until you're level 20. It shouldn't be too hard, considering all of that exp!

After that, save your game. Go back to your starting point and talk to the Namekian sitting beside the house. Seems like he cares a lot about those trees. Let's go find them for him. They just look like small trees. The first one is where you were constantly killing that henchman to level up. Pick it up like you would any other item. Two more left to get. either tell you where the last two are...or let you find them. *Thinks for a minute* I made you look for the spirits so I guess I can help you here. From where you found the first sapling, fly to the upper level. From there head up, right, then blast that block in the way. Go up there, defeat any enemies, and take the sapling that's beside the pillar of land. Go left along the narrow path. Kill the Pterodactyl. When you reach the open space, kill all enemies and collect the last sapling. Afterwards, go back to the Namekian house and put each tree in one of the holes. After that head northwest and leave this area.
There are three artifacts that are required to advance to the battle grounds where Krillin, Vegeta, and Gohan are. You'll notice an entrance as you go up the hill. Don't go in there just yet! Instead go left and up the hill. Kill any henchmen in your way while going up the path. When you see the Pterodactyl, fly up to its level, kill it, go right, and pick up the first artifact. Follow this path until King Kai contacts you. Afterwards, fly up to the next level. Kill the henchmen, and then try and get the dino to move. When you do you'll notice an artifact! Kill the dino and get it! Destroy the block behind the artifact to get a senzu bean. After that fly down and enter the temple, where you will find the remaining artifact. Simply go straight and step onto the white teleport pad. Go down then continue going right until you reach the wall. Go up from here until you see a pointing hand. There's an opening in the wall here. Go right into the wall, and you'll find the last artifact! Now to find out where to put them.
Go back to the green teleporter and hop on. In the new area, you'll notice 2 other teleporters south. Don't take those! Instead, go left until you reach another pointing hand. Hop on the orange teleporter below it. From here head down and right to the yellow teleporter. Go down to the left as far as you can, and hop on the white teleporter. Now head straight up and hop onto the teleporter that takes you to the final room. This is where you will put the Namekian Artifacts. After laying them all down, Goku will hear something come from left side of the room. What do you know? A white teleporter that takes you to the exit! Simply bypass the next teleporter and head up to exit!
Now that you've finally found your friends, talk to them! After that go talk to Captain Ginyu (the purple guy). He talk about how the Ginyu Force will destroy you.

These guys are supposed to be bosses, but they're no challenge. After that go talk to Recoome just north of there. Keep going north onto the hill to meet Burter. If you want a quick kill, use the sucker punch tactic for an easy win. Simply use this simple tactic on all of the Ginyu Force members for a quick win.
After all of that, Goku sees Frieza's ship in the distance. Now that you're in this new area, I'd suggest getting Goku to maximum 25. You really want to do that. If you ever have to get your life back up, use the cheap recovery trick. Other than that there's nothing to do here. Head on over to the left. You'll come to Frieza's ship in this area. Ignore the henchmen and fly into the ship. Talk to Gohan, Krillin, and Vegeta if you want to. Go to the left and hop into the rejuvination chamber.
Dragon Ball Z Legacy Of Goku 2 Cheats Emulator
Time to begin the final battle with Frieza. Talk to Gohan and Krillin to learn that Vegeta has been killed! Head northeast and King Kai will contact Goku. Now...go find Frieza and defeat him!!!
This is it, the final battle. Nervous? Nah, I didn't think so. This boss is no different than any other. Use any tactics you'd like and stay out in the open away from anything that will stop Goku. Feel free to use herbs or senzu beans in this battle as well. Frieza can transform up to three times, each form more powerful than the last. Use whatever tactic you used to defeat his first form on all of the others. After you defeat his third form, Namek all of a sudden begins to fall apart (you think they would at least show Frieza throwing that big ball of energy at Namek). Frieza gets mad at Krillin and kills him! Goku becomes enraged and transforms into a Super Saiyan! Time to avenge your friend! Use the same tactics that you did before and bring Frieza down!
Congratulations! You've done it! You've defeated Frieza, avenged your friend, beaten the game, and didn't do a thing to keep Namek from blowing up! Just sit back and enjoy the ending cinema.
Dragon Ball Z: The Legacy Of Goku 2. Strategy Guide. Advertisement Top 7 Modern Games You Can Cheat In. Successfully complete the game to unlock Goku's trophy. Piccolo's trophy. Get to level 50 with Piccolo, then go to the '50' gate at Namek planet to collect the trophy. Dragon Ball Z show and Radio Shack/Circuit City reference.
Stuck? Do you need a helping hand getting through Dragon Ball Z: The Legacy of Goku? Well fear not, has five sets of cheats and related useful information within.
Cheats & Hints
Infinite Health:
In the very beginning of the game, right before the title screen,when you see the FMV of the dragon and all that stuff, press Up, Down, Left, Right, B, A. You should here a little chime to assure you that you did it right.
(supplied by: diginet387)
Temporary Invincibility:
If your having a hard time beating Raditz, Vegeta, Nappa or Freiza and his troops do this. While flying get hit by an energy blast then stop flying. Now you are invincible unless you fly again then it goes away. But you can always do it again and it works on any villian.
Hit Bubbles:
At King Kai's planet you can hit Bubbles as many times as you want by going into King Kai's house right after you've caught Bubbles the first time and then you can chase him again.
Edited 10/06/2011 - 5:04pm
Action Replay Codes
Note: These codes require an Action Replay Device
There are 9 codes for this game.
Infinite HP
Max HP
Infinite Magic
Max Magic
Max Experience
Have All Attacks
Inf Flight Charges
Tons Of Items
Edited 10/06/2011 - 5:04pm
FAQs & Walkthroughs
Download: FAQ(via CheatHappens)
Game Script, Final Version
Edited 10/06/2011 - 5:04pm
Download: FAQ(via CheatHappens)
This FAQ is written in Dutch.
Edited 10/06/2011 - 5:04pm
Download: FAQ/Walkthrough(via CheatHappens)

FAQ/Walkthrough v1.3.
Edited 10/06/2011 - 5:04pm
CheatsGet the updated and latest Dragon Ball Z: The Legacy of Goku II cheats, unlockables, codes, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tricks, tips, hacks, downloads, guides, hints, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for Game Boy Advance (GBA). has all the codes you need to win every game you play!
Use the links above or scroll down to see all the Game Boy Advance cheats we have available for Dragon Ball Z: The Legacy of Goku II.
Also Known As: Dragon Ball Z: The Legacy of Goku 2Genre: Action, Adventure
Developer: Unknown
Publisher: Atari
ESRB Rating: Everyone
Release Date: June 17, 2003
When breaking the generator in Vinnie’s house, the order of the breakers from left to right is “off, on, off, off, on, on” then the door in Vinnie’s house will open, and in there is a generator.
Keep using picclos speical beam cannon until you defeat him. You have to get energy from rocks.
Go to the place with snow. In the top right corner of the place you fly.
Go to the place with snow. In the top right corner of the place you fly.
When you are out looking for Dr. Gero’s lab, you fight him once before entering a save area. While in the save area don’t go forward, instead go left to. There you will find a barrier with an orange “? ” mark on it (which is for Goku)after you kill the tiger bandits use the Masenko wave to hit the triceratops on the other side of the gate, after you hit it, it will charge at but wont hit you (thanks to the barrier) you can punch it through the wooden area of the gate or use the Masenko wave on it till it dies. Repeat this process until you reach a desired level. (Ive gotten Gohan to level 40 with using this glitch).
If you go to Capsule Corp. To Bulmas room, you will see Bulma’s mom in the living room or the kitchen. Talk to her and she will give you a cookie. You can keep gathering cookies until you have 99 of them. They will give you 5 HP each.
If you run out of energy, get to a secluded place with no enemies, or if you are in a big battle, get to a place where the boss can’t get to you, and wait. Eventually your character will do something to recharge their energy. This list describes what for each character:
Gohan: Sits on the ground to rest (recharges faster if he is close to something he can sit & lean against)
Piccolo: Floats in the air and begins to enter a Namkian Meditative State (Meditating)
Vegeta: Stands still and holds out a Saiyan Energy Orb, it begins to glow and cause a slight wind that recharges Vegeta’s Ki Energy
Trunks: After a while of standing still, Trunks gets out his sword, sticks the tip of it in the ground, and leans on it
Goku: Goku gets down on the ground on his hands and knees and then begins to do push-ups
Hercule: Hurcule does absolutely nothing. He just stands there the same way all the time, but in doing so, he regains his normal human energy, not Ki Energy.
During the battle against 17 hide behind the tree were he can’t attack but you can.
Talk to a normal dog and the first three times he will say Woof! Then when you talk to him the fourth time he will say Would you rub my tummy please?
In order to do this your character must be able to turn into super saiyan or super namek. First turn into super saiyan or super namek, then a few seconds before you run out of energy, hold the A button and let it go after your energy runs out and your no longer a super saiyan or super namek.(the glow won’t stop unless you fly out or go to another section)
When you get there with Vageta, you should find a save spot and save. Switch to Gohon. Then get to 25-30 to beat andrid 19. Then get to 35-40 to get close to beet android 20.
Later in the game Yajirobe will stop giving you senzu beans.To get more talk to Korin at his tower(use the flight circle on Kami’s lookout) and he’ll ask you for three fish. To get fish go in an area where water is(ex. lake in triceratops jungle) and fight enemies. If water is in the same screen as you are in, the enemy might drop a fish. Give three fish to Korin and you get a senzu bean.

To unlock the statues for Gohan, Vegeta, Trunks, and Piccolo, get each character to level 50. Then, find each character’s level 50 barrier, and brake it. Get to the end of the tunnel, and find the statue. The statue will go to the capsule corperation where you can admire it whenever you want.
When you are battling, and depleted your energy bar, (green) (Ex. battling Triceretops King) run around enough and it will show up.
To use the Map hit the R button.
To use the Scouter hit the select button.
After collecting all twenty five Golden Capsules, see Dr. Briefs. He lets you keep one. When used through the Item window, it takes you back to the World Map if you are standing outside. It will not work inside buildings or caves.West City: 5 Warlord’s Domain: 2 Triceratops Jungle: 2 Southern Continent: 3 Northern Mountains: 6 Outside Gingertown: 2 Gingertown: 1 Tropical Islands: 1 East District 439: 2 Master Roshi’s Island: 1
Get to Level 50 with Gohan, Piccolo, Vegeta, and Trunks. Go to the character specific gates marked with 50 to collect trophies. The locations are as follows:
Dragon Ball Z Legacy Of Goku 2 Cheat
After you complete the Cell Games, Hercule (Mr. Satan) will become available.
Save and reset, then chose another player. Switch back and you should have full health.
In- Game Reset
During the game, hold down A, B, Select, and Start all at once. But remember, you must keep them held down.
Currently we have no unlockables for Dragon Ball Z: The Legacy of Goku II yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Dragon Ball Z Legacy Of Goku 2 Walkthrough Full
Easter eggs
Currently we have no easter eggs for Dragon Ball Z: The Legacy of Goku II yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no glitches for Dragon Ball Z: The Legacy of Goku II yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.