With a total of over 300000 downloads, NavContainerHelper is no more. As of this weekend, NavContainerHelper cannot be used to create containers anymore. There has been a lot of blog posts here on my blog and others that indicated that this day would come and now it is here… – all specific images are gone and with those all the “old” generic images, which was used by NavContainerHelper.
Docker Factory Reset Windows 10
Docker Failed to Start After Windows 10 Upgrade. If the above doesn’t work, and Docker failed to start after Windows 10 upgrade. You can try the following. Reset Docker Desktop to factory defaults, waited around 15 minutes if nothing happened and status remained Docker Desktop is resetting to default. After backing up your data, you can uninstall the current version of Docker Desktop and install a different version (Windows macOS, or reset Docker Desktop to factory defaults. Restore your data. Use docker pull to restore images you pushed to Docker Hub in “step 2.” in the save your data section. If you backed up your images to a local tar.
I will contact PowerShell Gallery to get the entry removed.
RIP NavContainerHelper, Long Live BcContainerHelper.
Reset Docker To Factory Settings By Tiara Maulid July 7, 2021 Minikube suggests to reset docker installing docker and get started with docker for windows get started with docker for installing docker desktop for windows. The Docker Engine page allows you to configure the Docker daemon to determine how your containers run. Type a JSON configuration file in the box to configure the daemon settings. For a full list of options, see the Docker Engine dockerd commandline reference. Click Apply & Restart to save your settings and restart Docker Desktop.
The recipe for changing from NavContainerHelper to BcContainerHelper goes here:
- Remove all containers (Get-NavContainers | Remove-NavContainer)
- Uninstall all versions of NavContainerHelper (UnInstall-Module NavContainerHelper -allversions)
- Restart PowerShell and check that NavContainerHelper is gone (else repeat step 2)
- Reset Docker to factory settings (to remove all images)
- Remove c:ProgramDataNavContainerHelper
- Install BcContainerHelper (Install-Module BcContainerHelper -force)
Factory Reset Windows 10
Hope this helps

Docker Factory Reset Linux
Freddy Kristiansen
Technical Evangelist