Disk Image Mounter

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Note that gnome-disk-image-mounter will not mount filesystems or unlock encrypted volumes in the disk image - this responsibility is left to the automounter in GNOME Shell to ensure that the same interactions happen as if the disk image was a regular physical device or disc. By default the disk images are attached read-only, use the option. Save virtual floppy image into files. You can save modified RAM disk image into files or save mounted file image into different files. Now you can specify either 3.5' or 5.25' for 640KB, 720KB and 1.2MB media. Now you can specify media size different from the actual file size.

WinImage is a fully-fledged disk-imaging suite for easy creation, reading and editing of many image formats and fileystems, including DMF, VHD, FAT, ISO, NTFS and Linux. The disk image is an exact copy of a physical disk (floppy, CD-ROM, hard disk, USB, VHD disk, etc.) or a partition that preserves the original structure. With WinImage in place, you can recreate the disk image on the hard drive or other media, view its content, extract image-based files, add new files and directories, change the format, and defragment the image. All this and more is delivered in one intuitive user interface that enables imaging right out of the box.

The program has many utilitarian uses at home and in the office. As a serious PC user, you probably have tons of old but still useful floppy disks. With WinImage in place, you can turn them into disk images, which can be stored on the hard drive and recreated, when a need arises. In combination with a CD creating tool, WinImage can help you create your own custom boot disk with hardware diagnostic or virus cleaning software to bring a problem PC back up and running without being in Windows. As a hard-disk backup solution, WinImage allows you to save hours and even days restoring a system and configurations on a machine that has experienced a hard-disk crash or software corruption. Along with homes and offices, this ability is a must for training classes, where restoring torn down PC configurations quickly is critical.
WinImage is an ASP shareware program.
WinImage has many cool features!

  • Create a disk image from a removable drive (like USB drive), CD-ROM, floppy,
  • Extract file(s) from a disk image,
  • Create empty disk images,
  • Inject files and directories into an existing disk image,
  • Change a disk image format,
  • Defragment a disk image,
  • A powerful 'Batch assistant' mode that lets you automate many operations,
  • And many more!
    WinImage uses a modern, cutting edge Windows interface, and is available for Windows 95/98, and Windows NT/2000/XP/2003 server in English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish.
    WinImage is shareware. You may evaluate it for a trial period of 30 days. After 30 days, if you wish to continue using WinImage, you need to register. Click here to download WinImage.

    New for version 9.00

  • WinImage can be used as portable software (without installation and registry modification), using Xml preference options.
  • Write FAT16 or Fat32 bootable image to a removable drive, after erasing, and rebuild partitition table.
  • New for version 8.50

  • fixes for Windows Seven compatibility problem.
  • New for version 8.10

  • Compatibility with VMWare Vmdk Disk image.
  • fixes for Windows Vista compatibility problem.
  • New for version 8.00

  • Compatibility with Virtual Hard Disk image (used by Microsoft® Virtual PC and Virtual Server), in both read only or read/write mode.
  • Support of NTFS and Linux EXT2FS/EXT3FS image (only in read only mode)
  • Connecting on Linux partition (to view content of Linux partition on connected hard disk)
  • Speed improvement in read of write password encrypted file
  • New for version 7.00

  • New toolbar and icon
  • Interface improvement: A folder bar can be displayed with the tree of the image in memory. The “folder bar” item in Options menu can be used to enable/disable it
  • Option to save/restore/reset the Master Boot record of physical drive (to standard Windows)
  • Option to mount CDRom image and uncompressed file image, if the FileDisk drivers is loaded.
  • Self-extracting file can (option /R) extract to removable drive, by resizing image. You can extract a self extracting bootable floppy to USB key with this feature
  • You can export an hard disk fat image to an image with MBR. This is useful for CD-ROM burning software that don't add the MBR
  • You can move file from one folder to another by drag it to the treeview
  • The option to modify image size allow you choose the physical drive parameter
  • You can modify image and and defrag large FAT image not loaded in memory
  • With previous version of WinImage, all image with size equal or below 2.88 MB are loaded in memory, and all image bigger are stored on uncompressed .IMA file. The limit size for image in memory is now user defined (in Options Settings, Image tab). This is useful because some features are only available on image loaded in memory, like same as .IMZ compressed file.
  • You can now select the size of an image (when you create a new image or change format) with three new options: import the size from existing image file (or from boot sector file), get the size of an existing partition, or enter custom value
  • You can view the boot properties of a CDRom image
  • The boot sector properties dialog box is now available on FAT32 image. This is useful to create FAT32 bootable image
  • 64 bits version for Intel Itanium and x64 (for AMD 64 bits and Intel EM64T)
  • minor bug fixes (including some fixes on code which create CDRom image under Windows NT/2000/XP/2003)

    New for version 6.10

  • Compatibility with some CDRom images file (some version of Easy CD Creator…) is added
  • Displaying very large directory(>500 files by example) is faster again. Useful for ISO or hard disk image
  • Several minor bug fixes.

    New for version 6.0

  • The /MAKESFX option is fixed (for creating SFX .EXE from the command line).
  • New Self Extractor command line options.
  • WinImage can now open/read/write Linux EXT2fs images, but will not interpret the contents of the file system (like Macintosh floppies).
  • Displaying very large directories (for instance, images with more than 500 files) is faster. Useful for ISO CD-ROM images.
  • Better support of DBCS resource files under Windows 2000.
  • File may be saved with a password. WinImage uses the MD5 algorithm to build a 128 bit key, with Rijndael encryption. For more info, see http://www.esat.kuleuven.ac.be/~rijmen/rijndael/index.html. Before sending an encrypted file, check to see if the laws of your country permit 128 bit encryption.
  • Files in .ISO CD-ROM images can may replaced with a file that has the SAME LENGTH, and the SAME FILENAME as the original file. Note: This is because the .ISO file format is not designed to allow later modifications.
  • When starting under Windows 2000 (or Windows NT4) with and old and buggy ASPI layer, previous WinImage versions sometimes crashed. This has been fixed.
  • WinImage can now be installed with a self-installing setup executable.
  • More minor bug fixes.

    New for version 5.0

  • File Properties allow you to modify the names and attributes of files within images.
  • Better international support: WinImage and self-extracting files can be now translated to Far Eastern languages (like Japanese).
  • The CD-ROM ISO image creation option is now compatible with Windows 95/98.
  • Inject and Extract progress dialog boxes contain a 'Stop' button.
  • The delete option can now delete non-empty subdirectory in disk images (and do recursive deletes).
  • The open a Fat32 option is faster and has better support for large FAT32 partitions.
  • The documentation now officially mentions WinImage Year 2000 compatibility (but previous versions were already fully Y2K compliant).

    And only in professional mode :

  • File Properties allow modification of the dates of files within disk images.
  • Self extractor file creation is now integrated into the WinImage interface, and SFX executables are now localized (in WinImage 4.0, SFX files were only in English).
  • More options in the self extractor.
  • The WinImage SDK has been released.

    These features were added in version 4.00:

  • Command line options.
  • There is now a true wizard (several screens with Next and Previous buttons!) as an alternative to the Batch assistant dialog box.
  • Under Windows NT, WinImage can directly open a Fat32 partition on the disk (useful because Windows NT 4.0 cannot directly read Fat32 partitions).
  • Batch options can be saved in a .BWZ file.
  • Option to display an icon in taskbar while WinImage is working.
  • Option to automatically show the WinImage window when user input is needed.
  • Toolbar buttons are modernized.
  • Only a Win32 version of WinImage is available. Users of Windows 3.1 need to install Win32s 1.30 to use WinImage. And, in the professional version :
  • Self extractor with an unlimited redistribution license
  • You may export the directory of the current image file in text or HTML.
  • You may print the directory of the image file
  • Editable boot sector properties (i.e. loading another boot sector file, manually editing the text of the boot sector).
  • Supports the creation of large images of removable disks and hard disks under Windows NT and Windows 95. Large images (> 2.88 MB) are not loaded in memory, read and write operations are done directly on image files.

    These features were added in version 3.00:

  • Adds ZIP compatible compressed image files (.IMZ and .WLZ)
  • Adds comment to compressed image files
  • Adds drag and drop from WinImage to Windows 95/Windows NT 4.0 Explorer for file extraction
  • When you drag a file into WinImage without opening an image, WinImage will automatically display the 'New' dialog box
  • WinImage can copy MacIntosh 1.44 MB floppies, but it cannot view the files inside the image
  • Under Windows NT, WinImage can build CD-ROM ISO compatible images

    These features were added in version 2.50:

  • Support of the new ListView control and tabbed dialog boxes for configuring settings under Windows NT 3.5x, Windows 95 and Win32s 1.30
  • Open an Iso CDRom image in read-only mode
  • Fixed a bug for formatting DMF floppy disks under Windows 95

    These features were added in version 2.20:

  • Support for Win32s for the 32 bit Intel version running under Windows 3.1x
  • Explorer-like icons for Windows 95
  • Improved DMF floppy disk support: Can read/write/format DMF disks under Windows 3.1, Windows 95 and Windows NT

Members of the Arsenal team have been practicing digital forensics in law enforcement or as consultants for over twenty years. We have always focused on maximum exploitation of electronic evidence, and it didn’t take long for us to realize that existing tools were failing to accomplish powerful things we knew were possible.

We got tired of waiting for solutions, so we began building our own.

Back in medieval times when we began building digital forensics tools, we found that many Windows®-based disk image mounting solutions were mounting the contents of disk images as shares or partitions, rather than complete or “real” disks… limiting the usefulness of those tools to us and other digital forensics practitioners.

Arsenal Image Mounter was born.

Over time Arsenal Image Mounter (AIM) became much more than a reliable, and free, way to mount the contents of disk images as complete disks on Windows. We invested significant resources in new features that would not only make our casework (and yours!) more efficient, but allow digital forensics practitioners to exploit electronic evidence in ways that were not possible before.

These features are available in AIM’s “Professional Mode” and include:

  • Virtual machine launching with Windows authentication bypass
  • Volume Shadow Copy (VSC) mounting with optional Windows NTFS driver bypass
  • Mounting VSCs as complete disks and launching them into virtual machines
  • BitLocker volume management including saving to fully-decrypted disk images

Arsenal Image Mounter is used by digital forensics practitioners around the world because it is reliable, powerful, and unique.

Are you ready for Arsenal Image Mounter Pro?

Arsenal Image Mounter Pro is available with an Arsenal subscription, which includes access to the full functionality of all our tools.

Still not convinced?

“After many unsuccessful attempts to launch forensic images into virtual machines with a popular digital forensics tool, I decided to giveArsenal Image Mountera try. I’m very glad I did, because I was able to virtualize forensic images from multiple suspects.AIMalso bypassed Microsoft cloud account passwords within the virtual machines, so I was able to take valuable screenshots for the US Attorney. In addition, I have foundAIM’smultiple methods of Volume Shadow Copy exporting to be useful.”

ICE/Homeland Security Investigation

Read moretestimonials.

Unleash Arsenal Image Mounter Pro Now!

Iso Mount

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Plans as low as $55/mo*

Want to try AIM first? No problem.
Download AIM now and use its free functionality, or email us for an evaluation license which unlocks Professional Mode.

*Arsenal Recon Subscription lowest pricing is offered at $55.25/month with the purchase of a five (5) year plan, $3,315 at checkout.

Chelsea, Massachusetts









Disk Image Mounter Not Working



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