Outlook New Meeting Greyed Out

For instructions on how to turn on the Reading Pane in Outlook, see here. Answer: The Clio Outlook Add-in is designed to function when viewing an individual email. It is necessary to click into an email to make the options available. Alternatively, turning on the Reading Pane in the Outlook Inbox will make the options available. If you create a New Meeting on the Calendar screen, it defaults to 8AM on my PC (presumably the first available time of my work day) which is in the PAST so GTM is grayed out. You can move the time/date to the future and GTM shows up in color.

After installing Microsoft Teams the Outlook Add-in fails to load even after making sure it is enabled in the Outlook COM Add-ins. I have used the fix below a number of times and it fixes the issue every time.
Before running the command you will need to find the location of the Teams Addin Files Mac os emulator online.

  • Open File Explorer
  • Enable Hidden files (tick the box)
  • Navigate to the following location and make a note of the username folder and version number folder (select the most recent version). We will need these for the step below
  • Quit Teams
  • Quit Outlook
  • Open an elevated command prompt(Click start menu and type in CMD and right click and select Run As Administrator)
  • and run the following command replacing USERNAME with the users username and VERNUMBER with the version number installed on that machine
  • Open Teams
  • Then open Outlook
  • When selecting Calendar you will now see Teams as an available Addin

Outlook Calendar New Meeting Greyed Out

Updated on October 9, 2020

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Outlook New Meeting Greyed Out

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