Bootcamp 3.0

If your OS X 10.5 or 10.6 DVDs are not readable, is that true in Mac side also ?

Internal or external?

Boot Camp 3.0 (Instala los drivers de Windows para tu MAC) Hola amigos, en mi trabajo me di a la tarea de instalar Windows Xp en la Mac de Mi jefe, ya que no la sabe usar y le estaba sirviendo solamente como un bonito pisapapeles jeje. Bootcamp3.032-bit.exe Download. Weeks after the release of Windows 10, Apple has finally updated Boot Camp Assistant to add support for Windows 10. Yes, the latest version of Boot Camp is fully compatible with Windows 10. Boot Camp 3.1 for 32-bit Windows and 64-bit Windows, recommended for all users of Boot Camp 3.0, finally brings official support for the Apple wireless keyboard and everybody's favorite Apple Magic Mouse. Question: Q: boot camp 3.0 for window 7 32 bit Boot Camp 3.0 Windows Support Software is on the Snow Leopard OSX 10.6 Installation Disk. Boot Camp is a utility that comes with your Mac and lets you switch between macOS and Windows. Download your copy of Windows 10, then let Boot Camp Assistant walk you through the installation steps for Intel-based Macs. Six-month bootcamp for teams building for Web 3.0 From May 2021 Shanghai, China Web3 Foundation and Parity Technologies have teamed up with Wanxiang Blockchain Labs and New Chainbase in China to launch a six-month Shanghai-based Web 3.0 Bootcamp.

Apple use to provide direct downloads of the updates - 3.1 thru 3.3 but really TELL US what Mac OS you use, maybe if you try from inside Boot Camp Assistant you can.


I would not be using Boot Camp 3.x with Windows 7 if I could use BC 4 or 5.

Mac 101: Using Windows on your Mac via Boot Camp

Helpful Apple Support Resources (Forum Overview)

Boot Camp 5.0 Drivers

Boot Camp 4.0, OS X Lion: Frequently asked question a Windows support software (drivers) CD or USB storage media

The Boot Camp Assistant can burn Boot Camp software (drivers) to a DVD or copy it to a USB storage device, such as a flash drive or hard drive. These are the only media you can use to install Boot Camp software.

Instructions for all features and settings.

Boot Camp 4.0 FAQ Get answers to commonly asked Boot Camp questions.

Windows 7 FAQ Answers to commonly asked Windows 7 questions.

Aug 5, 2013 7:17 AM

From May 2021 · Shanghai, China

Web3 Foundation and Parity Technologies have teamed up with Wanxiang Blockchain Labs and New Chainbase in China to launch a six-month Shanghai-based Web 3.0 Bootcamp.This bootcamp will support 12 teams building for Web3.0 with Substrate and Polkadot Network.The first cohort will commence in May, 2021 in Shanghai, China.

The goals of Web 3.0 bootcamp

  1. Accelerate the development of Substrate-based projects.

  2. Discover potential Polkadot parachain/parathread candidates.

  3. Help our ecosystem projects scale their technology in the world's largest blockchain adoption market: China.

  4. Work with our partners Wanxiang Blockchain Labs and New Chainbase to serve China's greater blockchain goals.

About the technology

Substrate is a blockchain building framework developed by Parity Technologies for maximum flexibility and ease of development. Projects built on Substrate can easily connect to Polkadot, which offers a unique sharded shared-security model, to build specialized parachains and parathreads.

Web3 Foundation and Parity's Asia team

Web3 Foundation and Parity's Asia team offer extensive technical education, global resources, and hands-on support (8–12 hours per week) related to Substrate, off-chain workers, Cumulus, parachains/parathreads, Polkadot economics, validator setup, architecture review, and more, in order to support each team's development.

Wanxiang Blockchain Labs

Wanxiang Blockchain Labs curates a comprehensive startup and blockchain program facilitated by a team of top industry experts. The program consists of two sessions: the Startup Academy session includes policy (legal compliance), finance (business model design, fundraising technique), product design and management, marketing and community, and human resources. The Blockchain Academy session includes Corporate level blockchain adoption use case, blockchain asset management, and International Blockchain Standard.

Industry and Proof-of-Concept (PoC) resources in China

All accepted teams will have a chance to build and test their tech stack PoC with Wanxiang Blockchain Lab's extensive suite of enterprise portfolios and partners in automobile, supply chain finance, smart city, insurance, government public service, and cultural industry for intellectual property protection.

Access to global network/events


Teams will have the opportunity to participate in events held by Web3 Foundation and Wanxiang Blockchain Lab in China and around the world, including Bootcamp DemoDay, DotCon, Sub0, Web3 Summit, Polkadot/Substrate meetups and Wanxiang Blockchain Summit. Teams also have access to Polkadot's global ambassador and ecosystem project networks.

Funding and Network

All accepted teams will have the opportunity to receive funding through Web3 Foundation Grants, the Polkadot Ecosystem Fund, Parity Technologies, Hashkey Capital and other institutional sources.

Web3 Foundation

Web3 Foundation funds research and development teams building the stack of technologies that form the basis of the decentralized web. It was established in Zug, Switzerland by Ethereum co-founder and chief technology officer Dr. Gavin Wood.

Bootcamp 3.0 Drivers

Parity Technologies

Parity Technologies is a software development company on the bleeding edge of Web3 technologies. Founded by Ethereum co-founder and CTO Dr. Gavin Wood and former Ethereum Foundation Head of Security Dr. Jutta Steiner, the company is well known for the Parity Ethereum client, which has contributed a great deal to the success of Ethereum to date. Parity's mission is to give open-source software developers a space to build innovative new technologies that push our shared vision of a decentralised Web 3.0.

Wanxiang Blockchain Labs

Wanxiang Blockchain Labs ('the Labs') is a non-profit research institution focusing on blockchain technology. The Labs gathers global experts to conduct research and promote dialogue on development, application, and strategy to provide guidance for entrepreneurs, and to provide reference information for regulatory bodies, all in an effort to promote growth for society and the economy leveraging blockchain technology's potential. Wanxiang Blockchain Labs is based in Shanghai.

New Chainbase

New Chainbase is a blockchain-featured incubator and accelerator that delivers innovation services specifically for Fintech start-ups in China. Partnered with Wanxiang Blockchain Labs and a number of blockchain organizations, New Chainbase is aimed at delivering one-stop support and guidance to Fintech start-ups and provide them easy access to related Technology Resources, Industry Salons, Financing Resources, Training, and Services of multiple forms.

Web3.0 Bootcamp takes place over six months in two phases: a three-month acceleration phase followed by a three-month PoC phase.

During the acceleration phase, we will enhance teams' expertise in Substrate architecture, parachain/parathread knowledge and architecture, product design, fundraising techniques, China and global legal compliance, and ecosystem development, as well as provide local talent bank access via monthly mentorship events.

The PoC phase will be tightly focused on developing and pitching a PoC to Wanxiang Blockchain Lab's network of corporate partners and entities primed for blockchain adoption.

Polkadot/Substrate session includes:

  • Polkadot Global Network
  • Runtime Module Development
  • Off-chain Workers
  • Parachains/Parathreads
  • Validator Setup
  • Staking Mechanism
  • Architecture Review
  • Polkadot Economics

The Startup Academy session includes:

  • Regulatory Landscape
  • Business Model
  • Fundraising Exercise
  • HR Best Practices: Managing a Distributed Workforce
  • Developer Community Building
  • Product Design and Management

The Blockchain Academy session includes:

  • Advance Consensus
  • Blockchain Privacy Study
  • Blockchain Application in Automobile, Smart City, Insurance industry, Supply Chain
  • Blockchain Asset Management
  • DeFi Analysis
  • Summary of Blockchain Standard

We are currently accepting applications for the 2021 class of Web3.0 Bootcamp.

Twelve teams will join Web3 Foundation, Parity Technologies and Wanxiang Blockchain Lab in developing solutions built on Substrate.

Projects from all over the world are invited to apply and be ready to commit to the entire length of the bootcamp session, which will take place over six months in 2 phases: Acceleration for three months and POC for another three months.

Who should apply

  • Teams interested in using Substrate to build impactful solutions, e.g., independent chains, parachains, parathreads and bridged chains.
  • Global teams who want to access the Chinese market and top-level corporations.

Benefits of applying

  • Game-changing partnerships with top level corporates.
  • PoC prototyping case development.
  • Committed technical support, guidance, and mentorship from Parity Technologies.
  • Regular office hours with the ecosystem development team.
  • Access to funding from: Polkadot ecosystem fund, Web3 Foundation's global investor network, grants, and a network of traditional VC investors in China.
  • Community and marketing support, including a Chinese profile article and the announcement of successful program partners in the media.
  • Involvement in events, including DemoDay, DotCon, Sub0, Web3 Summit, Polkadot/Substrate meetups, and Shanghai Global Blockchain Week.
  • High-leverage ecosystem team networking.
  • Access to the world's largest blockchain adoption market: China.

Application and timeline

Bootcamp 3.0 Drivers

Bootcamp 3.0
  1. If you want to apply, the application deadline is 8 pm GMT on April 16th, 2021. Early application teams will enjoy the advantage of early enrollment and engagement with our teams.

  2. On April 16th, we'll begin contacting our selected group of teams for an interview. Shortlisted teams will receive our proposed agreement to join the bootcamp.

  3. During the opening ceremony week, teams will meet with the committee council, key corporate figures, and other project teams to get a general idea of their blockchain PoC application.

  4. Teams will have access to the space at Shanghai Wanxiang Blockchain Labs up to four hours every week for meetings with mentors, corporate partners, or just for co-working with their teams.

  5. The program will take place over the course of six months. During the initial three month acceleration program, we will enhance teams' expertise in Substrate architecture, parachain/parathread knowledge and architecture, product design, fundraising techniques, China and global legal compliance, and ecosystem development, as well provide local talent bank access via monthly mentorship events. The last three months of the program will be tightly focused on developing and pitching a PoC to Wanxiang's network of corporate partners and entities primed for blockchain adoption.

  6. We have regular office hours and mentorship events every month for startups who want to discuss what they're building or get advice from the bootcamp team.

  7. The first Demo Day on Week 12 will be arranged at the end of the acceleration stage, during which startups will present to a carefully-selected, invite-only audience of investors. At this stage, teams will move into PoC stage.

  8. During the three month PoC program, project teams and corporates partners will explore specific ideas for pilot PoC proposals. Corporate partners will ensure start-up teams have access to relevant industry expertise and data to fully develop their proposals and work together to draft an agreement.

  9. Our relationship does not end after six months. Web3.0 Bootcamp Alumni will forever be part of our ecosystem, and we will be available to support the teams with guidance and other resources.

  10. Initially, Web3.0 Bootcamp activities such as training and tutoring will be conducted online, until further notice.

When will the interview and Bootcamp officially start?

The interview will start after the application is closed. We will send a confirmation email to all the selected teams one month before the commencement (start around late April, until further notice).

Is there any cost to participate?

No. We will not charge any fees or take any equity for program enrollment. Teams just need to pay for their travel to/from Shanghai for the opening ceremony, or for a 3–6 month relocation to Shanghai if they want to remain in China for the duration of the program.

Can we get funding for our startup and how much do you invest?

Funding is available on a case-by-case basis. All accepted teams will have a good opportunity to be funded through Web3 Foundation Grants, the Polkadot Ecosystem Fund, Parity Technologies, Hashkey Capital and other institutional sources.Can we work remotely or are we required to relocate to Shanghai?Relocation is not necessary, but we welcome any teams that wish to do so, as Shanghai is the center of blockchain for the Chinese market. We do request that you attend key bootcamp events such as Opening Ceremony Week.

Bootcamp 3.0 64 bit

Will you enroll multiple startups working on the same idea?

Yes, great minds think alike and markets have room for multiple high-quality teams. We would like to support the growth of the ecosystem, which includes healthy competition.

Do you only enroll startups that build on Substrate?

Bootcamp 3.0 X64

Yes. The goal of the bootcamp is to support the Polkadot ecosystem and promote Substrate adoption.Can you get us visas?We don't offer direct help with visas, but Web3 Foundation is happy to share their experience with visa applications.

Want to accelerate your project?

Have questions?

Apple Boot Camp 3.0

Application deadline: April 16th, 2021

Bootcamp 3.0 Drivers

More info, news and and updates on official web-page of Web3.0 Bootcamp

Chinese version here